Community Resource Centre, Dublin 1

A safe place to learn and grow, that serves our needs and enriches our lives in a supportive, fun and caring environment.

A safe place to learn and grow, that serves our needs and enriches our lives in a supportive, fun and caring environment.

A safe place to learn and grow, that serves our needs and enriches our lives in a supportive, fun and caring environment.

A safe place to learn and grow, that serves our needs and enriches our lives in a supportive, fun and caring environment.

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Phone & E-mail

Phone & E-mail

Phone & E-mail

Fax: 01-874-2890

Fax: 01-874-2890

Fax: 01-874-2890

Postal Address

Postal Address

Postal Address

Ozanam House,
No. 53 Mountjoy Square, West,
Dublin 1. D01 T6W6

Ozanam House,
No. 53 Mountjoy Square, West,
Dublin 1. D01 T6W6

Ozanam House,
No. 53 Mountjoy Square, West,
Dublin 1. D01 T6W6

Opening Hours

Monday to Thursday: 9am - 9pm
Friday: 9am - 8pm
Saturday: 10am - 3pm

Closed Dates

National Bank Holidays.
Christmas break: Dec 24th to Jan 6th.
Good Friday & Easter Weekend.
Childcare Centre is closed on the last Friday of each month.

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